Hello everyone, this isn’t so much a rant however it probably will turn into one. This is maybe a little heads up for people that are thinking of going to an equine college after school. This is my personal opinion and I am not aiming this at any particular college just what I have experienced over the past year while being at a Equine College.

First of all I think everyone understands how bitchy high school was and how many times you wanted to drop out and become a stripper, well triple that and that sums up college.  Now have a look at the equine industry, for example the typical bitchyness that comes from showjumping or say showing now add them two together and you get the equine college, where girls with their 13.2 cob think they are competing at the Olympics. You would think everyone would have grown up a bit from high school and now understand how to keep their mouth closed, think again. They also seem to forget how to be true friends and begin to bitch about anything possible but that’s another subject

Then you have the class / yard work you must do which they constantly tell you “this would be 100% used in the industry”  when from constant experience in the industry you know full well it isn’t even used or even thought about being used. Constantly being told  your opinion is wrong and everything they teach you is the right way forward e.g “everything must go in a eggbut snaffle and BS riders just bit their horses up before correctly schooling them” Because they have obviously been there and done everything. ( maybe some have) Worst of all is some of the things they try and teach you in lessons its a joke, as I’m part of the BS and almost grown up in the showjumping world I’d like to think I have a decent eye on the sport from a viewers side and riders side ( basically knowing my shit ) but oh no wait until they try and teach you about the discipline you do, it’s stressful and annoying. Even worse when they get someone to teach you about the showjumping world that’s never been over a show jump in their whole life.

Although this is a very negative post on Equine colleges they aren’t as bad as they seem ( that’s lies ) but almost all of you will have to stay in education until you’re 18, so good luck to you all. I’ll be happy when my second year is over and done with.


16 thoughts on “The truth about going to a Equine College…

    1. Except of course if you go to an agricultural college where you can study horses and get a degree of pettiness but you get a much wider variety of people to get involved with socially. And don’t forget all the positives of learning with like-minded people who actually when the bitchy school yard stuff is put aside want the same things you do – what’s best for their horse and a decent education to get you started in the industry you claim to be unhappy with yet will work in very happily anyway.

  1. lol well done chloe for getting the Horse world down to a Tee !! things have never changed in the equine industry no matter were you go , good luck in ur second year hun xkt

  2. I was bullied so badly at my first college, and dealt with it in the worst ways possible. I was struggling to even get 20/30% across the board. I transferred to a bigger college (larger mix of non equine). It was lots better, the damage was done mentally though and it took a while to get myself back together. I was skipping class left, right and centre and jeopardising my place on the course, but my grades were averaging 90%. Don’t stick with bitchy ass courses or people this was twenty years ago and I’m sure there’s more courses available now to transfer mid year. Colleges especially residential have a responsibility to provide a safe and secure living environment!

    1. I’m sorry to hear what you went through, some of the things that happen at college can be life changing.

  3. Haha I love this post! I was in equine college about 13years ago now. Bitchiness I was never bothered by but coming in from working in top yards to listening to their bullshit was tough indeed. Totally impractical practices that would never be used in a proper yard. To be fair though if your looking to seek employment in a riding school good background to come from. If you want a job in a competition yard totally irrelevant. If you can ride a horse you get the job. They are not concerned and never will be if you have your bhs exams or a degree in it. Both qualifications are worthless if you can not school a horse to a high level. Handy way to get a degree in your back pocket though. I would suggest if you want to progress in a competition yard you go and get on the field experience in a proper yard with proper training. Will give you a much better start.

  4. I went to equine college as a degree student so for university and sadly it’s pretty much the same all the way up. As a group the dynamic was better, not as bitchy, (but still so so bitchy) but the teaching. Oh God the teaching. We found we were learning less at uni level than the college students and level 1/2/3. It was stupid and the equipment wasn’t right at all. Or horses. We did a training to j nd horses module for a year. The youngest horse we every used was about 9! We touched the foals once and that was just to out the head collar on and groom and measure. And only a few got to do that. I had already been working in industry and feel that I would he be been better off just staying in my job rather than going to uni. Yes, I did learn a lot but nothing I would have learnt along the way work in hands on! Wasted three years? Yeah pretty much. Don’t get me wrong I loved uni but not for textures haha for the social life and friends I made.

  5. love this post but you forgot all the snobby and spoilt young ladys who like to brag about all the amazing gagets they use on there 13hh showjumper for absolutly no reason lol

  6. I agree with this!! However I have done an apprenticeship with Haddon, and it was awful!! I was at my chosen yard for a month, then I left!! I was being treated like I knew nothing – Yet I have a level 2 and 3 diploma in equine management!!

    Also the thing about equine colleges, they say the way they are showing you is “done in the real world” yet I’ve been so many yards, and not one has had the same method…so the way they teach you is NOT the same…

  7. The real equine world thinks the college taught workforce is a joke my advice is go self employed and work freelance grooming in a proper professional yard, they are always looking for dedicated people, you may get to travel to shows and be part of a team looking after quality horses, you will learn a lot more and will gain much more respect you can always do BHS stage exams too. X

  8. I went to an equestrian college in Kilkenny in Ireland and I Loved every mintue of it! The instructors were so nice and all had competed up the ranks in eventing so knew a lot about dressage, showjumping and Xcountry. Yes there were some people that thought they knew it all and were bitches but I made the greatest bunch of friends and we are all still in contact with a Facebook group chat, and I got al my BHS exams up to stage three including my PTT. I would go back in a heartbeat, love love loved it! ❤️

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