Hello guys, I’m sorry I haven’t post in a while and this simply comes down to the amount of college work I’ve had shoved on my head and the massive changes I’ve had in this last 3 months, I still can’t grasp it.
I’ll update you all to where I’m at right now with my life as some of you may have seen some of it on my other social media accounts , so over the summer I had a massive change in my life. I decided to sell my horse Crystal in late June as I was working on a yard down Shrewsbury and simply had no need for her to be wasted sat at home, in August after returning home from a weekend in Anglesey with the North Wales LRC I told my dad I wanted to buy a racing car with the money I had saved up over the year. This was a shock to the family as I had just passed my driving test about a month ago. I then decided after living away for the summer that I would return home to Cheshire in mid September to continue my second year at ReaseHeath College with my friends from home.

Towards the end of September I raced in my first ever comp safari ( Stone Enduro held with Staffs & Shrops LRC ) which I respectfully finished, I think that day I realised that this was what I wanted to do in life, I’ve always loved the thrill and excitement but this gave me a feeling on another level or it was the fact I’m a terrible driver and I was out of control. I then went on to finishing 2 other races and now on the road to getting my international cross country licence.
This brings us to now, I’m stressed because of the amount of college work I’ve been given and I’m still unsure if what I’m doing is the right thing. I defiantly wouldn’t say I’ve left horses just yet as I’m still going to be riding/ competing a lot over this next 8 months however I have realised that I need to find something that is going to earn me a lot of money to pay for all my expensive hobbies. It would be lovely if all the family was dedicated to show jumping and loved horses however the reality of it is they only love horse power…
So in the time being I will still be blogging about the typical random stuff as I always do and will hopefully not leave it thing long until I write another post. I hope you guys still follow me on my journey to success whether it is in the show jumping world or off road racing world. Thank you for reading.