As many of you will already know at the start of June this year my pony ‘Tioren’ had pulled a check ligament in his tendon which ment my final year on ponies would come to a close.
This sadly happened a week before we had planned and entered to compete in our first HOYS qualifier together ( Junior pony Showjumper 1.35cm) with many more international shows we had planned to go for my last year. At the start I was almost broken that much I couldn’t even look at photos without breaking down into tears but slowly over the next 5 weeks I realised what good will come out of this and I still have my bestfriend by my side even if it isn’t in the show arena we still get to see the sun rise and the sun set together.
Its been 4 months since my last show on him at South View where he won both the 1m and 1.10 which was the last time I rode him, Theses months have flew by and hopefully all staying the same in the next few weeks (5 months off work) I will be able to get back on him to slowly increase work. Nothing will make my year unlike being able to ride him again after many months of douts and worries.
some times you have to have the worst of days to appreciate the best days.