Welcome back guys,
So I’m sure you all have seen on my social media accounts this last month that I’ve been sunning it up in South Africa and Dubai, well I want to fill you all in on what I’ve been doing out there.
While i’m not yet allowed to tell you the ins and outs from my South Africa trip, I will tell you that Sky Ones new TV show ‘Carnage’ is going to be amazing. After airing later on in the year I will be sharing photos from the build and behind the scenes photos from my experience. For now please enjoy this teaser video from Yianni Charalambous. (See link below) and look out for us BOFFIN BEADY AND THE BOOSTETTES in the months to come.
I will be telling you all about my trip around South Africa and how I came to land at the Dubai international Baja, not forgetting

my upcoming Abu Dhabi trip next week. So I’ve decided to split this into a few posts to save you all hours of reading a poorly written English essay.
I’ll be publishing the first blog post tomorrow night so stay tuned.