Proud dad
I am lucky to have two wonderful daughters
They test me
They push me
They use me
But most off they excuse me
I am lucky to have two wonderful daughters
I didn’t notice them growing up
They changed just so damm quick
It was just like I was shouting wait up
I wanted them at all costs to stay small
But now I see they both have it all.
I am lucky to have two wonderful daughters
When I compare them alike
It’s like comparing a car and a bike
It’s not an equation that solves
Not everything can be pigeonholed
I am lucky to have two wonderful daughters
I have more life in my view
Than I ever believed or really knew
Sometimes I feel like I am swamped
Not realizing soon enough that this is what I really want
I am lucky to have two wonderful daughters
Our ups and downs abound us
But that’s the ride on this bus
I am proud of them both in each and every way
And remember what I say …
It never is a dull day
My daughters are totally different girls and wonderful in completely different ways and I love them both the same way from my heart.