Locomotives for dad
The best 10 things to do in Nairobi ……
According to the Kenyan tourist dept there are many things to do in Nairobi, however Tripadvisor and the real people who visit these places have a different opinion.
According to tripadvisor the 10 best things to do in Nairobi all involve leaving Nairobi and driving hours to see something else.
I couldn’t agree more with tripadvisor,
However the Fairview hotel is a lovely bit of English colonial legacy and one other bit of ‘what did the British ever do for us’ is the railways, and it just so happens they have a museum…sort of
Milly Thought it was a great place to visit..here you can see here enthusiasm for the 3 hour trip.
Let’s see if jim can recognize some of the exhibits
But first, here is Milly showing off ye olde paint roller…. Piss taking git 😊
There was even some old machinery to stand and stare at..