
I am Beady,

this is what I do.

Beady at Dakar 2014
6 am on Dakar 2014

and I design these …. racing cars for off road including the Dakar rallye

Desert Warrior 3 in RaBe colours
Desert Warrior 3 in RaBe colours
I also built the Morgan CX-T
Zoe,chloe and the beady negotiating on our normal level
I did say never a dull day

Zoe , Chloe and the Beady negotiating in our normal style

22 thoughts on “About

  1. Grace Francis

    Hi Beady! I am an engineering student looking at converting a P38 to electric with a camper conversion (massive fan and inspired by your build), and I wondered if you had the original CAD for the P38 chassis and/or electrics? I know originally you sourced the body from CGTrader but I am struggling to find a more complete model other than just the body as a shell… Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    1. Beady

      Hi Grace.
      That sounds interesting, the P38 chassis will be great for that project it has a load of space and is very strong, Land Rover didn’t use cheap material on the P38.
      I used the crash repair information from the Land rover RAVE CD to get the rear mountings exact and then a basic structure of the chassis.
      I have uploaded the STP model to this blog post. https://www.beady.com/blog/p38-cad-models/

      this includes my rear step and my approach, departure, breakover angles, these are at my ride height which is set at 25% droop which is what we use on the Dakar cars, this gives a great ride off road.

      please keep me updated , I would love to add your stuff to my blog for others to follow and build a library of mods people have done, I know of 3 others that are on big P38 projects.

    2. Beady

      The electrics are all custom, A complete new loom with custom BECM , I would do it all with CAN-BUS now because in the time since I designed the P38 CAN-BUS has gone from ‘me making all the nodes’ to ‘lots and lots of great stuff available for cheap’.
      Flexray is now in a similar position, however Flexray is way too much for jobs like this and most Motorsport uses CAN-BUS now so it’s never going away. its reliable and cheap to use.
      I made a VISIO template that does wiring for race cars and links to inventor to build the looms.


  2. Sean Farmer

    Hello mate, I’m trying to develop an entertainment and control centre for the P 38 for myself and would be interested if if you knew how to export the temperatures of various different components in the engine transmission et cetera please contact me!!

    1. Beady

      Hi Sean,
      Sounds like an interesting project.
      Which engine do you have? is it standard?
      what system are you using for the control centre? Arduino type ,Pi etc?

      I can only think that you could breakout the signal to the dash from the BECM and use an Arduino sketch to translate it to RS232 or CAN then integrate it into your system.
      I have basic Arduino sketch that reads writes the standard display data.


      1. Sean Farmer

        So I have a manual 2.5 BMW later engine I was planning on just using a raspberry pie with Arduino as outstations connected to relay boards using some Ic2 coms

        1. Beady

          This should help you
          at the bottom is a link to the simple arduino sketch I used to sniff the data.
          can you please keep me updated on any extras you find and I will update the blog post to help others.

  3. Den

    Can you contact with me, cant finde one part for my P38 m51

    1. Beady

      I don’t have spares for the M51, breakers are your friend .

  4. Martin Ammer

    I’m allso intrested from copy of GS6X53 gearbox 3d scan…planning to transplant this gearbox to volto t6 engine 🙂
    Can you send further detail to my mail?
    Very big thank you! 🙂

    1. Beady


      This is the best I have, it is only basic but gives the length and face
      password is here



  5. André Resende
    André Resende says:

    Hi Beady… I managed to make everything working on my P38 with the m57 engine also

    The only two things im strugling with are the hevac and cruise control. Can you help me with that and how you solve that. I will apreciate the help.

    Amazing work with the over land project..

    Best Regards from Portugal

    1. Beady

      cruise control … is still working on it, so far the issue I have is the ECU version I am using uses the speed over CAN bus which I haven’t done yet, for the input into the ECU for the buttons the easiest way I found was to get a steering wheel switch panel from an early E46 330d and cut it up to use the small PCB, run some jumper wires for the switches, pos and neg then there is one signal wore with K-bus signals that goes to the engine ECU, this works fine and I have it connected to the button on the P38 steering wheel….. just need an e46 to sniff th CAn bus signals so I can duplicate them.

    2. Beady

      I have done a post on the HVAC for you

      cheers Beady

      1. Anonymous

        Many thanks for the help… if you come to Portugal will be happy to pay for the dinner 😉

        1. Beady

          Loved Portugal, we did many races there including the Dakar 3 times 🙂 , hope you have some success. here is some more info on the cruise for you.
          Cruise control on the M57

  6. Lawrence

    Hey Beady,

    I’m wondering if it’s possible I could purchase a copy of the 3d scan of the BMW ZF box 6 speed.

    I’m in the process is doing a adaptor plate and it would really help towards the build.

    Thank you 🙂

    1. Beady

      Which size, the GS6X53 or GS6X37,, the 53 is from the 3.0ltr 306D2/D3 and the 37 is from the smaller engine 306D1 , same on nearly all BMW engines around 2000 MY.

      1. Zachary Orme

        Hello I saw your file for the GS6X53 but I was curious if you also had a file for the GS6X37? Im swapping a Honda K24a2 into my E30 and I’m working on a adapter to mate the GS6X37 and your scan would be very helpful if you do have it. However if you do not its no big deal and I appreciate your time.

        1. Beady

          I dont have a scan of the gearbox, but this file is the bolt pattern for the gearbox, this is the same for many BMW engines petrol and diesel.
          The drawing is from the tin shield, we use a HD version to keep out the mud.

          BMW gearbox bolt pattern.dxf

          here is the Password

          good luck with the conversion


          1. Zachary Orme

            Thank you so much! Beady you are a legend! The pattern is exactly what I needed, I checked the center points measurements to verify with my transmission and it all fits exactly. You just made my adapter plate so much easier and quicker to draw in cad. Should have this plate cutting out on the cnc next week. Again thank you.

          2. Beady


            Just one quick point, for the main bolts at the side of the bell housing, that drawing has two, you will see them as an oval, use the inner ones for the 37 box, the wider is for the 57 pattern, we used engines with the wide pattern but fitted a small box on some cars.


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